Converting senior living leads to prospects and residents is a constant challenge marketing and sales teams. The sales process can be lengthy, and you may be met with resistance, including several reasons why your prospects feel they’re not ready to move.

Take a look at a few statistics to help understand why managing leads early is key to converting them, in this blog from LeadGenie.

Top Statistics for Improving Lead Management

Consider the following statistics researched by senior living and sales industry experts:

What Does This Mean for Your Sales Team?

To boost your conversions, you need to focus on being the first to respond to new leads. Your sales team must also be persistent with following up and sorting leads into sales-qualified and marketing-qualified categories.

Keep these additional tips in mind when focusing on effective lead management:

  1. Older adults still use phone calls while communicating with you. You must prioritize your phone leads so your team is prepared to respond promptly, use the discovery process, and follow up regularly.
  2. Speed to the lead is critical in qualifying a phone lead. You’ll be ahead of the game if you’re the first to answer a call from a lead. Being quick to answer shows you’re responsive and ready to help your lead feel comfortable and confident with you.
  3. First impressions matter! Use active listening and quality, compassionate conversations to build trust and rapport. Work to identify your leads’ pain points and meet them wherever they are in their journey.
  4. Have a plan in place so your lead calls are answered professionally and quickly. Don’t rely on your front desk team to handle sales calls because being placed on hold, incorrectly transferred, or landing in someone’s voicemail can drive your lead to a competitor.

How Can You Support Your Senior Living Sales Team?

Finding an effective lead management system that can ensure a trained senior living expert answers every lead call will help your sales team convert more leads and improve that speed to the lead metric.

A successful solution will blend seamlessly with your team by working with your CRM and marketing automation platform. Your prospects will never know that their calls are directed to the lead management call center.

With your new leads managed by virtual sales support, your team can focus on converting hot leads to move-ins.

Explore LeadGenie, a Fully Customizable Lead Management Solution

We invite you to explore LeadGenie, our complete lead management solution that will help your sales team and boost your tours and move-ins. LeadGenie offers virtual sales support, quickly and consistently responding to your leads.

We do this through a customized approach free of long-term contracts and one-size-fits-all packages. You decide what works best for you! Set up a no-obligation consult today!

Ready to give a senior living call center a try?

LeadGenie will be a seamless extension of your brand and help your community succeed! We are a complete lead management solution that will support your team and boost your tours and move-ins. LeadGenie offers virtual sales support, quickly and consistently responding to and reaching out to your leads.

We do this through a customized approach free of long-term contracts and one-size-fits-all packages. You decide what works best for you!