Successful senior living lead management involves tracking specific metrics to identify gaps and ensure you’re not losing leads due to a negative first impression. In today’s fast-paced, growing market, the community that responds the quickest is often the winner.

How do you know what data to measure? Uncovering where you’re missing sales opportunities can be tricky, but paying close attention to a few key metrics can help.

4 Key Inbound Senior Living Lead Metrics to Watch

Did you know that 43% of senior living sales opportunities are lost before ever reaching a salesperson? Your leads may get transferred too many times or end up in voicemail or on hold.

Track the following data to increase your conversions:

  1. Speed to the lead – how fast a salesperson responds to new leads
  2. Total sales calls made to the community – how many new lead sales calls come into your community during a set period
  3. Calls answered live by a salesperson – how many calls are responded to directly by a salesperson without going to voicemail
  4. Calls that go directly to voicemail – how many calls are getting transferred directly to the salesperson’s voicemail

A Review of Your Inbound Lead Metrics

Once you gather data on these metrics, calculate averages and review the numbers to get a complete picture of your new leads.

Do you lose almost half of them due to mismanaged or slow responses? Do most of your leads end up in voicemail? How much time, on average, goes by before your new leads hear from you? Are you receiving a high volume of new lead calls each month?

This data can help you identify where to improve so you can start researching solutions.

Senior Living Lead Statistics to Consider

Consider the following statistics researched by senior living and sales industry experts:

After reviewing these statistics, you may start to realize that you’re falling short on your response times with new leads. But you can’t keep your sales team tied to their phones 24/7. What can you do?

Research Lead Management Solutions for Your Sales Team

An effective lead management system can ensure that a trained senior living expert answers every lead call.

A successful solution will blend seamlessly with your team by working with your CRM and marketing automation platform. Your prospects will never know that their calls are directed to the lead management call center.

With your new leads managed by virtual sales support, your team can focus on converting hot leads to move-ins.

Explore LeadGenie, a Fully Customizable Lead Management Solution

We invite you to explore LeadGenie, our complete lead management solution that will help your sales team and boost your tours and move-ins. LeadGenie offers virtual sales support, quickly and consistently responding to your leads.

We do this through a customized approach free of long-term contracts and one-size-fits-all packages. You decide what works best for you! Book a no-obligation consult today! 

Ready to give a senior living call center a try?

LeadGenie will be a seamless extension of your brand and help your community succeed! We are a complete lead management solution that will support your team and boost your tours and move-ins. LeadGenie offers virtual sales support, quickly and consistently responding to and reaching out to your leads.

We do this through a customized approach free of long-term contracts and one-size-fits-all packages. You decide what works best for you!