Competition over leads in the senior living industry can be fierce at times like this. Currently, fewer older adults are considering senior living because of hesitation to sell their homes in a down market, shrinking investments, and less buying power due to inflation.

So, what does this mean for seniors or their loved ones who choose to take the first step in connecting to a senior living community? It means it’s more important than ever that a senior living expert answers that call — the sooner the better!

The measurement of how quickly a lead is connected to a salesperson is called speed to the lead. This initial contact is a key metric to watch to ensure you’re engaging with new leads promptly, professionally, and persistently.

Missing this crucial step could derail your sales funnel process and lessen your chances of converting your leads. Learn more about why speed matters and find a solution to improve this key metric.

Why Does Speed to the Lead Matter?

Statistics show that the quicker you respond to a lead, the more likely you’ll convert your lead to a tour or a move-in. People expect immediate results when searching online for information, and a fast response shows you’re available and interested in assisting them.

Here are additional reasons why speed matters to new leads:

  • You can help solve their problem.

    Your new lead called because they are interested in senior living. They likely have questions or concerns and are seeking an answer to their problem. You let them know someone is there to help by answering the call.

  • First impressions matter.

    You likely experience this any time you interact with a business for the first time. Do you feel frustrated that you can’t speak to a live person? Are you transferred multiple times only to get directed to someone’s voicemail? Did you feel heard when you shared your problem? Humans tend to remember those negative experiences for a long time. Make your first impression with your new leads a positive one!

  • You begin to build a foundation of trust.

    Trust is imperative when nurturing senior living leads through the emotional decision to move to senior living. Trust and empathy ensure a safe space for prospects and their loved ones to share their feelings and concerns. Trust is necessary for your prospects to feel valued and less likely to put up objections to moving to your community.

How Can You Improve Your Speed to the Lead Metric?

One of the best ways to improve your speed to the lead metric is by implementing a lead management system to fill in the gaps. A lead management solution can ensure that every call is answered by a trained senior living professional.

A successful system can also use the discovery process to establish trust and identify pain points. Lead management solutions should blend into your current CRM and processes to maintain the integrity of your brand.

Are You Ready to Partner With a Lead Management Solution to Increase Conversions?

LeadGenie is a fully customizable lead management solution that provides virtual sales support to respond to your leads quickly and consistently. Your leads will be in good hands with our team of trained senior living experts with extensive experience in the industry.

Book a no-obligation consult today! We don’t require long-term contracts and will work to personalize a package that works best for you.

Ready to give a senior living call center a try?

LeadGenie will be a seamless extension of your brand and help your community succeed! We are a complete lead management solution that will support your team and boost your tours and move-ins. LeadGenie offers virtual sales support, quickly and consistently responding to and reaching out to your leads.

We do this through a customized approach free of long-term contracts and one-size-fits-all packages. You decide what works best for you!