LeadGenie Counselors

Trained for Success

At LeadGenie, our call center counselors are more than just a phone answering service. We meticulously select empathetic and thoughtful professionals through a comprehensive interview process. Each “Genie” then embarks on an extensive training journey, specializing in responding to senior living leads.

New Employee Orientation and Training

  • Our two-week program dedicates 80 hours to training and immersing new employees in our company culture. This process sharpens their communication, active listening, prospect-centered selling, and technology skills, while developing proficiency in senior living CRMs.

  • Our training methods are diverse, encompassing instructor-led training, individual coursework, video content, role-playing, and more.

  • After initial training, employees transition from role-playing to job shadowing, and then to reverse job shadowing. This progression builds their skills and confidence to handle prospect calls effectively.

  • We design unique, comprehensive training courses for each client, and include material on documenting CRM procedures, knowledge base information (unique offerings, positioning), brand guidelines, and more.

  • In addition to these courses, we test employees’ ability to navigate the knowledgebase, a resource for employees to find specific information about the community they are representing. This ensures they can navigate effortlessly while in-call.

  • Employees also have self-service access to a content library which they use to continuously hone and test their skills. We believe in continuous growth. Therefore, we provide ongoing training and development as needs arise.

  • Our LeadGenie Team Leads monitor calls in real-time and listen to recent call recordings to ensure accuracy and service excellence.

  • Simultaneously, our Client Success Managers gather feedback from clients and prospects. This information is crucial in providing active feedback over time, continually enhancing the team’s skill set.

Leadership and Key Staff

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