We’re all guilty of letting go of best practices when working with our senior living leads. Because we’re juggling many tasks, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with moving in residents, reporting, planning and holding marketing events, and so on. However, we must also remember how crucial lead nurturing is.

We focus on five common missteps communities make with their senior living leads and how to fix them in this blog from LeadGenie. Your team is likely not guilty of all these mistakes, but it’s helpful to be aware of what they are so you don’t let your guard down.

Five Common Senior Living Lead Missteps

1. You communicate with every lead in the same way using the same tools.

It’s important to remember that every lead is at a different stage in their journey, has different pain points, has their own ideas about senior living in general, and may have multiple loved ones involved in the decision. Take time to ask questions and get to know every lead personally, then customize their experience based on what you learn.

2. You move leads to the cold list too soon.

Depending on the level of care, the sales cycle in senior living may take over a year or much longer and involve numerous touches until a prospect is ready to commit. That’s why it’s critical to continuously engage with your leads so they turn to you when they feel the time is right to move to senior living. Always be ready to accept and respond to new leads quickly (speed to the lead) and maintain the relationship through personal touches and marketing automation. Only after exhausting all the engagement tools at your disposal should you even consider moving them to the cold status.

3. You forget you’re not controlling the sales process.

Today’s senior living leads have access to online content that educates them about your community before you even talk with them. Your leads can canvas your website, research reviews, and engage on your social media platforms to get answers to their questions. Your sales team may be one of the last ways they seek information.

This is one of the reasons why it’s important to have meaningful, high-quality content. Your leads will contact you when ready, so try to remain patient and avoid over-communication until they reach out to you.

4. You aren’t using all the marketing automation features available to you.

Marketing automation can be a beneficial tool in nurturing and engaging your leads. Remember that a sales cycle for senior living leads can be lengthy, so you’ll want to stay connected in whatever ways your prospect prefers, whether it’s a personal phone call, emails, or texts.

5. You depend on non-marketing and sales team members to help manage your lead calls.

Your team may be inundated with new lead calls and inquiries, but you can’t rely on your front desk staff to initiate the discovery process with your leads. They certainly play a crucial role in routing sales calls correctly, but it isn’t their responsibility to fill in for your sales team.

A Lead Management Solution to Help Avoid Missteps

Because your team can’t be everywhere at once, consider investing in a lead management solution like LeadGenie to help fill the gaps by improving the speed to the lead, increasing live call answering percentages, and effectively managing the lead nurturing process for each lead.

Our team of experienced sales counselors will work virtually to greet every new lead quickly and professionally. We will follow your established sales process and document all sales activities in your chosen senior living CRM.

LeadGenie can also make outbound calls, set tours, manage event attendees, respond to third-party leads, follow up with web forms, and more. We’re here to fix your missteps and convert more of your leads to move-ins.

Discover How LeadGenie Can Help Manage Your Senior Living Leads

If you’re ready to explore how a lead management solution can help you nurture your leads to move in and increase your conversions, contact LeadGenie. We can answer your community’s new inquiries no matter how they come in, call the existing prospects in your senior living CRM database, identify pain points and objections and expertly respond to them, set the next steps in the sales process, and more.

LeadGenie can make your life easier through our customizable packages and service offerings. There are no contracts or long-term commitments – book your free demo today!

Ready to give a senior living call center a try?

LeadGenie will be a seamless extension of your brand and help your community succeed! We are a complete lead management solution that will support your team and boost your tours and move-ins. LeadGenie offers virtual sales support, quickly and consistently responding to and reaching out to your leads.

We do this through a customized approach free of long-term contracts and one-size-fits-all packages. You decide what works best for you!